Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Matt Leinart at it again...

Dogg: I love this guy! I also know a person who saw him ridiculously hammered and hitting on one of his co-workers (see attached photo)in a NY club. At least he’s not getting into trouble with the law like half these other professional athletes. He may party like a rock star and looks like he’s going on spring break but I have no problem with that until he gets in trouble with the law. I bet he just loved USC!

Fuzz: Leinart: "I wonder what that Saint Kurt Warner is doing now?"

Q: And here's Matt Leinart, the future of the Arizona Cardinals franchise, engaging in his gueling offseason workout. As a Cardinals fan you should be concerned. Not because your franchise quarterback is bonging beers, but because he's hanging out with fat chicks. You're an NFL quarterback, step your game up.


Dogg said...

Q, you of all people should be giving Matty props for those type of girls he's bonging the beers with. Everybody needs lovin' and I'm also absolutely down with the larger women.

Q said...

I wasn't necessarily knocking him for it. I just said that if you're a Cardinals fan, then this should cause you some concern.

Anonymous said...

My concern would be that you are a Cardinals fan.


Dogg said...

Finner, don't you think they'll be good soon? They have a lot of young talent and they are in a weak division which I think they win this year. I had them last year but I was one year to early. I believe they will be in the postseason this season.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I agree just trying to get some banter going. But they are a young and solid team. But as long as he is not getting in trouble with the law then its fine. I would think he would not want those pictures to get out and he would be a bit discreet about it but whatever.

Dogg said...

Yeah, the only issue I now have is I heard this is a picture at his own house and these girls are under age drinkers. That aint good if that's the case.

Anonymous said...

picture Matt Leinart with those classic bubble thoughts ::Heh that isn't the only thing she's putting down her throat tonight::